Hjälp dem små liven :D

Rädda vovvarna!


Idag har jag bara vilat, tvungen att stiga upp halv elva för ventilations gubben kom :S surt. Snabb städning blev det med, sen full städning, lite handling idag med. Har mätt med en halv tumstock för att kolla hur jag ska placera saker, hur man ska förvara allt skit man har.

Lyssnar på musiken nu och tänker på allt skit omkring nu. Jag minns att
Lotta en gång,,Sa, sätt dej inte i skulder, vad det än gäller.
Va hände, jo nur har man lite här och var som inte är betalt.

Fan, räkna ihop allt, och ligger back några tusen. Åhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jävla skit.

Ehm, va fan ska man göra ?


I hope you feel the shame upp til your head. I hope you somewere inside,understand. A part of me died when you left. You promise so mutch, somutch. But what a fuck happend?What a fuck happend with all you said? Nothing. Everything you said, were lies for the moment, so you didn't have to deal with it. You let the time make a end.


I would like to forget stuff sometimes.

I remember the day you left me there, you were the last part of it. You left me there all alone with all the new. You said you should stay, but you chosed to leave me. The same day you told me, peter quit. Everybody quit or got fired. Why? How could this happened? How could everything just be gone today? I miss it so fucking mutch. The new things just destroy everything.

 I wanna know why everything isnt like before? I can't stand it. I can't live like this. This can't be it. or is it ?  Tell me why I can't go on with out them? My life just went fucked up since this happend.

Grattis Jeffan till sonen <3 Saknar dej fruktansvärt mycket, älskade kp.


Jag tänker på det som va, det lilla vi hade du och jag. En gång för länge sen. Jag saknar oss. Du var min hjälte men nu finns du inte längre i mitt liv .Jag undrar vart du är idag, vad du gör, om du saknar mig,
för jag saknar dej!

Vart tog vi vägen, hur blev det såhär?
Bille, jag saknar dig<3

Till dej.


Just nu gör det ont i mig, men jag vet inte vrf.

Inte här.

Jag har tusen saker att ventilera men jag kan inte, jag orkar inte. Jag vill bara bort härifrån nu. Bara nån annastans. Kan du ta mig bort härifrån? För jag vill seriöst inte stanna här. Jag vill inte vara här.

Alldels snart.

Snart, så fort pengarna kommer.

Nobody will ever know where, nobody will even notise that Iam gone.
I screamed for help, but you didn't do anything, all you did was to promise things that never happened.
I screamd for you, but you didn't care, you just said, yeah I miss you to.
I can't take this anymore.
I can't take that you can't be here.
I can't do this anymore.

Things are fine, but I want more. So things isn't so fine as you think it is.

Iam sorry.

Take me away.
Baby, Iam so sorry for what happend.
I didnt mean to hurt you as mutch I did.
I just wanna go back, and change what I said.
Mabye you wouldn't be gone if  I never did what I did?
Iam sorry.


Would you stay with me if I ask you to?
Or would you just leave me forever?
We said so many time those words that suppose to make a change.
But, we're still in the same place like before.
Bby,would you stay if you knowed the thruef?
Would you ever look at my way again if you knew?
If you knew, what I done?

I wish we could be together.

Allt och inget.

Allt känns så fruktansvärt sjukt konstigt. Ganska väderlöst med i samma veva.
Plötsligt får man göra vad man vill. Och helt plötsligt förväntas man fatta och klara av saker och ting själv.
Fast det är ju kul med, jag kan ju komma och släntra som jag vill. Inte en jävel som bryr sig lixom, tillbax till det gamla kan man säga fast i en ny miljö,annan stad och lite andra saker som inte hör till.

It's like I have'nt changed at all, like everything around me have moved.
Its like the world haved left me alone, like Im the outsider.
It feels like my life are done.

Du kommer ofta upp i mina tankar när allt är skit, här är ytterliggare en dikt till älskade dig.

Now you're gone, and I feel so alone.
All those things we had, where are they now?
All those feelings that lived before, where are they?
Why are we dieing?
Bby, I moved on. But I have'nt forget you. And I won't.
I loved you so mutch once. But now, you just an angel in my heart.

Stanna tiden

Det känns lite konstigt, att allt plötsligt blev sista gången. Att jag aldrig mer kommer göra detta jag gör nu här. Att alla steg,alla andetag och rörelser aldrig mera kommer existera. Att relationen jag skapat kommer suddas ut med tiden, den som skulle vara förveigt, lixom allt annat.

Jag önskar tiden kunde stanna upp och vänta på mig. För jag hänger inte med.
Det rullar för snabbt och allt gör bara ont i mig.
Känns som om jag går sönder på nytt om och om igen, som om tiden du lovade att jag skulle vara lagad bara var en lögn. du sa att jag var redo nu, men var jag det? Eller är jag det? Det känns inte som det.

Men det kanske är för att jag vill stanna så länge som möjjligt, jag kanske hjärntvättar mig själv med orden att jag ej är redo. Vem vet?


Är det meninge att jag ska må såhär nu?? va?

7 år sen.

Idag eller igår om man ska vara korrekt var det 7år sen du dog. Kl.21.00 den 9/9 2002.
Jag minns dagen så väl, beskedet kom som en chock, det gjorde så jävla ont när du försvann. Det kändes som om jag gick i tusen bitar, dagen du försvann.
Allting bara rasa totalt. Jag saknar dej så fruktansvärt mycket! Och jag älskar dej som fan!

Kommer aldrig glömma dig, du lever föralltid inom mig.

RIP Mormor

Who am I next week?

I wounder who I will bee,next week. How are Im gonna feel when you just dumping me there?
When I look in your eyes, and say goodbye?
Do you even plan to visit me? Or is it just a lie, to make me feel better right now?
You know, I relly like you, and this place.
My anixety are so big right now, everything feels so pointless.
I look out from my window as so many times before, but right now my thoughts seams so empty.
Everything feels so empty, and pointless.

I feel so dumped, so lonley.
All face I camed to know here, all face that meant to me is so gone, everything is so fucked up.
Im gonna lose all again.

To my speciell friend B<3

You smile, you look so damn happy. But you're not. Why do you pretend like you're fine when you not? You know everything will start to fall apart soon. Open up somewhere for someone who understand. Take your time. Just get fine again.It doesnt matter how longe time it takes, all that matters thats you're okej.

I can't.

I can't do this, I can't let myself die.

Thinking back at the start, how mutch I hated this place, how I hated this world. Everything is still the same, the only diffrens is that I love this place I am on today.
I try to hide myself from all those feelings I feel ritght now, but it doesnt helping with the ways I try.
I just wanna stay, where I am safe, and where I feel that my fucture is gonna bee okej.

Cuz it's just feels everything is going to hell right now,and it proboly will keep going to hell when I moved. I have nothing there. No friends, no safness and no back up if everything start to falling apart.

I can't handle the pain inside myself.
Ican't handle my feelings.

I don't think I can do this.

Why did you let it win over you?

You took my breath away, you took so many things away when you left, when you choosed to leave to heaven.
I still look up and talk to you sometimes, even if you're not answer me. You were the beautifuls persen I ever meet, and now you're gone. Gone forever, but I hope I meet ya in heaven again.
I love you so fucking mutch. It's been 6 years since you left.
When she told me, it felt like I would die cause it hurt so mutch insie of me and I never thought I would survive this disaster. But here Iam. But I might not be so okeej as everyone thought. But Iam still here.

You were so beautiful and wonderful, why did you let it win? You were so strong, you were everything to me<3
All I builted up under all those year, just falled apart, and I couldn't stop myself for trying to get to other side, because then, when youe were there, I suddenly got a reson to leave. I had reson before but, I never knowed that they were real. I didn't understand my feeling untill you died.
I wish I did it before you died, so I could explain what a fuck I was doing.

I love you

R.I.P Lola Johansson 2002

It hurt's like hell,baby.

And it hurt's like hell that Im not the one you love, that Iam not your soulmate. Even if I don't know if you ever could be my soulmate. It just hurt's when you talk about her, and your life. Your house,your kids and your memories. Cause your wonderful,and I relly want you. I want you here right now.
I wanna hear your breath and your heart as I lie at your cheast.
It hurt's to know that you're home with her and not here with me. She's right next to you.
Iam just a part of your life. When Iam gone, would you remember me?Would you ever come and visit me? Or would everything we share right now just die?
It hurt's like hell,baby.

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