I can't.
I can't do this, I can't let myself die.
Thinking back at the start, how mutch I hated this place, how I hated this world. Everything is still the same, the only diffrens is that I love this place I am on today.
I try to hide myself from all those feelings I feel ritght now, but it doesnt helping with the ways I try.
I just wanna stay, where I am safe, and where I feel that my fucture is gonna bee okej.
Cuz it's just feels everything is going to hell right now,and it proboly will keep going to hell when I moved. I have nothing there. No friends, no safness and no back up if everything start to falling apart.
I can't handle the pain inside myself.
Ican't handle my feelings.
I don't think I can do this.
Thinking back at the start, how mutch I hated this place, how I hated this world. Everything is still the same, the only diffrens is that I love this place I am on today.
I try to hide myself from all those feelings I feel ritght now, but it doesnt helping with the ways I try.
I just wanna stay, where I am safe, and where I feel that my fucture is gonna bee okej.
Cuz it's just feels everything is going to hell right now,and it proboly will keep going to hell when I moved. I have nothing there. No friends, no safness and no back up if everything start to falling apart.
I can't handle the pain inside myself.
Ican't handle my feelings.
I don't think I can do this.