I just wanned you to take care of me, like I saw in other familys. I just wanna you to be a mom, my mom. But you never were, and I wounder if you ever will stand up and be one. Cuz there is so many times that I haved need you, but you always shut me down. You always, wanned me to shut up about the hole things, about my problems.
You took away my website,where I used to write, about my feelings about what happend in my life. You said, that if I got a site like that, I would never have any friends.I got friends now mom, and everybody knows me, they know about the problems, but the stay. Can you tell me why? Proboly not, you proboly think they are sick. they stay, cuz they are real friends. Friends that you never had, or ever will.
Iam not gonna wait for years for you to understand.
Iwon't, if you can't hear me,why should I ever care?
I try so many times.
How many have you try?
Why are you so mean to me?
Why can't you act like a mom?
Why can't you be one?
You have never been a mom for me.
And I don't think you ever will.