Just take me back.
Just was sitting in the shower yesterday, and repeat, take me back. Just screamed it out.
Mess you, and said, you have to tell me if I get to loud. But I lied today and said it was the music.
I wish I could say that Iam fine, but Im really not. I just keep missing. Can't move on.
You just left me. All of you. Just left me.
And the dreams are back.
Feels like Im falling to piceses again.
Can't stop miss.Can't stop miss it.
Everythings back again.
Idon't know what the fuck I want to do.With my life.
With you,with them.
With everything.
Feel so empty, feel so empty.
Anxiety all over it. But still so empty.
I don't belong here.
Just was sitting in the shower yesterday, and repeat, take me back. Just screamed it out.
Mess you, and said, you have to tell me if I get to loud. But I lied today and said it was the music.
I wish I could say that Iam fine, but Im really not. I just keep missing. Can't move on.
You just left me. All of you. Just left me.
And the dreams are back.
Feels like Im falling to piceses again.
Can't stop miss.Can't stop miss it.
Everythings back again.
Idon't know what the fuck I want to do.With my life.
With you,with them.
With everything.
Feel so empty, feel so empty.
Anxiety all over it. But still so empty.
I don't belong here.
Nää, nu orkar jag inte va fet mer.
Jag måste gå ner i vikt nu.. Satt nyss och läste om piller, typ varenda fan va olaglig och skit. Men fan då.
Hur kunde jag bli så fet helt plötsligt. okej jag äter jämt.. men ändå? jag år förr med, men kanske inte lika mycket som nu. Och fast jag försöker få upp det ibland, så äter jag mer senare.
Träna Träna. och äta mindre, mycket mindre.
Fan nu åt jag igen... kebab :)
Hur kunde jag bli så fet helt plötsligt. okej jag äter jämt.. men ändå? jag år förr med, men kanske inte lika mycket som nu. Och fast jag försöker få upp det ibland, så äter jag mer senare.
Träna Träna. och äta mindre, mycket mindre.
Fan nu åt jag igen... kebab :)